curling sheet

Friday Afternoon Sturling


Stick or Slide Curling - 2 person teams - Sign up as an Individual or Team


Fridays 3:45 PM and 5:00 PM, 2 draws


CONTACT: Ian Tinker (604) 578-0365


To join, spare or try it out for a week.


NO Sweeping Between Hog Lines, 6 ends, 6 rocks, 2 curlers/team


For those with mobility issues (bad back, knees, hips, etc.) or just A GREAT way to get back into curling or try something new - work on your strategy as a skip.


Games are faster - yet you actually deliver more rocks (18) than a traditional 8 end game (16).

  • Two persons per team (open: men, women, mixed)
  • Each curler is a skip from one end of the rink
  • Each curler delivers 6 rocks from their end
  • Six ends per game with a tie-breaker format
  • Curlers can choose to deliver the rock by using a delivery stick (no bending) or traditional slide


The Club provides delivery sticks to rent for free or you can bring your own.

Head protection is available.


Check out the video demonstration below...


Candyce Muzyslowski 780-214-8390   Lu Wuthrich 604-483-4587
Chris Hearder 604-223-9970   Barb Cooper 604-483-1881
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© Powell River Curling Club

Powell River Curling Club

5750 Crown Ave
Powell River, BC V8A 4B3


Phone: (604) 483-9551




Non-Profit Society ID: S-04186


Purposes of the Society:


(a) To operate a curling club in the City of Powell River in the Province of British Columbia;
(b) To promote the sport of curling as a lifetime recreational activity in the community;
(c) To provide various recreational, educational, social and/or other activities deemed to be beneficial to the curling club and community.



Want to Try Curling or Join a League, or just give it a try? Give us a call or send us an email.

For more information, please contact the Powell River Curling Club


We look forward to hearing from you!